Tuesday, December 1, 2015

It's Good News Day!

Well Campers, they finished my oil change today by installing a new filter.  This device in the main vein to my heart will screen out any blood clots before doing any damage.  The upside is that I can discontinue blood thinners which should put an end to my random bleeding!

And, there's more!  The CT scan they did yesterday showed significant shrinkage in the mass in my lung!!  So, it seems I'm responding well to treatment.

Once again, my world is spinning on greased grooves!!

Peace and love to all!


  1. Yeah, I've got one of those filters, also, and I'm pretty sure it saved my life in 2011. It got clogged up and I had to have a Roto-Rooter procedure, but it did stop the clots from going through to do bad things.

    Glad to hear of the shrinkage (not many men want to hear those words).


    1. True that. But in a bizarre way, it's good to hear these gadgets really work.

  2. Yay, yay, yay... lots of love to you and your family - do you get to go home now then?

    1. Not yet. Still have to be observed and ensure the bleeding is stopped.

    2. ok, well sending positive, go home soon thoughts your way!
