Friday, August 22, 2014

Continuing to Hold

Well, campers, I still have my feeding tube.  Seems that the doctors aren't as optimistic as I am about now longer needing it.  They want be to go through some more tests in early September and then make the decision.  I haven't used the darn fool thing in two and a half weeks, but I guess they're the ones making the big money. . .

Other than that, I'm feeling mostly good though I'm having spells of lightheadedness when I stand up.  It could be a result of a severe drop in my blood pressure since I've lost about 25 pounds.  I am on BP medication so my GP's advice is to cut to half a pill a day and keep monitoring.  If the top number remains below 100, she says to then stop the pills for a month.  So we shall see.

Other than that, my next follow-up appointment is in November.

I'll keep you posted!!

Peace and Love,

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Well, Campers, I beat the dread disease, cancer!!!!!!!
I had the PET scan this afternoon and the disease has been eradicated!!!!!
It’s like a weight that I didn’t realize I was carrying has been lifted.  The only disappointment was that they did not remove the feeding tube, but that could happen in two days, on Thursday.  I’m thinking that today’s verdict and the tube removal will really push me along the road to recovery on greased grooves.
I want to thank everybody who followed me on this journey, and I will keep posting for a while.  Looks like I’ll be doing quarterly trips to Moffitt for check-ups but the worst is over!!  Now, to get over the fatigue and life will truly be amazing.
Peace and love,

Monday, August 18, 2014

The 'Tale of the Tape'

Well, Campers, tomorrow is the ‘tale of the tape’, so to speak.

At 12:30, I will begin the PET scan that will tell if I am cured for now, or it the disease is lingering and more treatment is required.

I feel good about it.  I’m sure that the disease has been eradicated, but I let the doctors decide.
And after behaving for several months, my stupid insurance company, Aetna, decided to initially deny payment for the PET scan as their 'experts' determined that the procedure is not 'medically necessary'.  Fortunately, they changed their mind. . .
More to follow after the test results are revealed!!

Peace and love,


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Red Letter Day

Hello, Campers!! A red letter day in the healing process.

I drove on the Interstate for the first time in months to do the 20+ mile round trip to get a haircut. The trip was incident free and after that I went to get my driver’s license renewed, which is becoming an ordeal in and of itself in Florida.

Other than getting beastly tired, it’s been a good day!!

Peace and love to all!!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Book Review!!

Well, Campers, I finished reading Robin Roberts' wonderful memoir on her adventures with cancer, 'Everybody's Got Something'.  I recommend it highly for absolutely everyone.

Granted, Robin travels in a more rarefied atmosphere than most of us, but she is still a person who went through two kinds of cancer treatment and kept her humanity and humility. 

If you have or have had cancer, you will find your words and thoughts quoted on practically every page.  If not, it provides some magnificent insights into what your friends and relatives with the disease went through.

All in all, it should be on everyone's reading list.

As for me, life if pretty good.  I'm still tired most of the time, but I'm definitely on the mend.  I still have a thick mucous build-up and can't eat solid food, but all will come in time.  I'm still mostly dependent on my 5 Boost VHC's daily for nourishment but am trying to eat soft foods (no chewing required) once or twice a day.  And, I'm drinking it by mouth and have not used my feeding tube for a week now.  I'm hoping that they can remove it at my next doctor appointment, which will be Tuesday, Auguest 19.  This will also be the day of my PET Scan which will tell us if the disease has been eradicated or if more treatment is required.  It's funny, but I have no anxiety about the upcoming test and all,  It's like I'm so sure that it's all gone that there's nothing to worry about.

Time will tell!!!

Peace and love!!