Thursday, September 11, 2014

Progress. . .

Well, Campers, yesterday was one more red-letter day in the parade of progress.  I got my feeding tube removed!!!  Life is good!!

I'm still limited as to what I can eat and will be until my next swallow test in December or so.  But, the cumbersomeness of dealing with the tube is history!!

I am continuing to go to support groups, which are wonderful, and along with what I learn from the doctors, my knowledge of the disease grows by leaps and bounds.  Some of what you learn is interesting, I must add.  I noticed that my neck has swelled up again and I'm experiencing an ear ache and sore throat.  I found out from the nurse practitioner that these are normal parts of the healing process.  After a while, the lymph nodes that were fried during radiation hit their max capacity and they retain fluid - hence the swollen neck.  The soreness is also bark of healing - the nerves that were fried by radiation are beginning to heal.  So, who'd have thunk that there would be pain in healing??  But it sure beats not healing, I suppose!!

And I got to thinking about how cancer does not necessarily define those of us who have had it, but it sure can shape the rest of our lives.  I found out yesterday that depending on how severe the radiation damage was to my throat, there may be things I cannot eat again without danger of aspiration.  The energy level may never come back totally.  And there are and will be other things, I'm sure.  Again, it beats not healing.

Peace and love!!

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