Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Been a While. . .

Well, Campers, it's been a while since I did an update. . .   I'm mostly on the upswing as the pain medications I'm taking are doing their thing on the head and neck pains.  My energy level is returning and I've gotten back to riding the stationary bike some and walking around the neighborhood a little. 

My neck is still swollen and I do have a sore throat, especially when I swallow, and those are still under investigation by the fine folks at Moffitt.  But yesterday, I did receive some news that put be into a momentary tailspin.  Now, at the support group meetings, there is always talk about the 'new normal' and how life will never be quite the same after you've been through cancer and its attendant treatment.  And, as in most cases, we believe it on an intellectual level, but figure it really only applies to the others and we, our own selves, will be one of those who miraculously bounce back to full health.

Well, I had my warning shot across the bow yesterday following some more swallowing tests.  Quick aside - I am totally on a liquid diet these days, consisting primarily of Boost VHC through the feeding tube, cut with some protein powder.  I can drink thickened water and can take small pills, but no solid foods whatsoever.  And, the down side, there is no timetable as to when that might change.  There is a distinct possibility that I may never again be able to eat anything that has any 'hardness' to it such as steak and potatoes.  As you might imagine, the words 'Why me' did echo through my mind for a while. 

But, as I thought about it more and as Elaine and I spoke throughout the day, the worst, though a possibility, is not the most likely, and my time in the short term will best be spent doing my swallowing exercises with a vengeance and elevate my normal to as near 'normal' normal as possible.  After all, living a long life in good health and being able to do the things I enjoy is far more important than being able to nosh on a pork chop. After all, I did spend 2 - 3 years as a vegetarian in my 40's and live just fine through that.

But then, this morning, I had the revelation that will make all the rest of you jealous.  I will be going into the Thanksgiving/Christmas Holiday Season knowing I will not have to worry about gaining weight, nor will I have to spend January dieting.  Is life good, or what??!!!!!!!!!!

Peace ad love to all!!

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