Friday, October 31, 2014


Well, Campers, I had my biopsy yesterday, and although the results are not yet 'official', Dr. Otto felt comfortable enough to pronounce the results as negative.

So, I remain cancer-free!!

As for what the swelling and neck pain are, we go back to the residual effects of radiation and the healing process.  The doctor says that I do have 'severe ulceration' of my tongue and that I'm just a slow healer.  Hey, someone has to fill out the ends of the bell curves.  There is still pain, and there still will be for a while longer, but somehow it's much more palatable as part of the cure than back to being part of the disease.

But these past few weeks did make me think about some to the topics raised at support group sessions, such as, if you had it to do over again, knowing what you do, would you elect to go through the treatment again.  And, for me, that answer did remain a resounding 'yes' throughout.  I truly love life and will do whatever is necessary to prolong it.

As for the immediate future, I still have no idea when I'll be physically ready to go back to work  As ling as there is some pain and I am taking oxycontin and morphine sulfite, I can't feel confident driving to Lakewood Ranch.  And, I still usually need a nap during the day.  Again, we shall see what we shall see!!

Peace and love to all!!

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