Monday, January 12, 2015

The Rest of the Story. . .

Well, Campers, life takes some turns.  I know that on these pages, I have referred to life-changing events and today I experienced another. . .  But more on that in a minute.

I know I talked about my lymphedema treatment (taping my neck, massage to manually drain the fluid, and the compression bandage for my neck overnight).  This is something that will go on for the rest of my natural life as damaged lymph nodes do not come back.  Several nodes were cancerous and others were fried by radiation.  Elaine has been learning to do the massage and taping so eventually I won’t have to go to the occupational therapist every week.  She is an angel!!!

But another one of the side effects of the chemo I had and a possible effect triggered by radiation is hearing loss.  Well, to cut to the chase, I am now totally deaf in my right ear and have had a significant hearing loss in my left ear.  It turns out that hearing, like the lymph nodes, doesn’t come back. 

But, despair not!! Today I went to the ENT and Hearing Center and got measured up to get a bi-cross hearing system on Thursday.  The left (functioning) ear will get a mostly conventional hearing aid.  The right will get a hearing aid-like device that will pick up the sound that would normally go into that ear and wirelessly send it to the left ear.  Definitely space-age, hi-tech!!  Should be pretty cool!!

Other than that, I’m feeling a little better every day. I don’t wear out as fast and can eat pureed foods when I choose to, though I have to say my appetite has not been ravenous.  But, it will come around, I’m sure, and I will look back on these days with a sort of bizarre envy when I begin to pack the pounds back on like there’s no tomorrow.  And you know, no matter how healthy we are, we’re, none of us, guaranteed any tomorrows. So, eat and drink up and be happy!!!!!

Peace and Love!!!!!


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