Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Temporary Holding Pattern

OK, so almost all of the preliminaries are out of the way.  My dental work has been completed (it turns out that after there should be no serious dentistry performed until three years or so following radiation) and I'll have a baseline hearing test on Thursday.  Yesterday, we went up to Moffitt and I was fitted up for the mask that will hold me in place during the radiation treatments. 

Starting date depends on whether or not I'm in the clinical trial or not - no real delay, it just predicates whether or not I have the first chemo the same week as the first radiation or a week before.  It's just a little scary as I realize this stuff is real. .   ;-)

Speaking of scary, I have to admit that finding out early on that the survival rate of my particular strain of the disease is over 90% was really huge.  Having been with David 10 years ago when he went to the mat with the Grim Reaper, I don't have to worry too much about reliving that rabbit hole. Of course, what I hear is that beating the disease is the easy part - it's surviving the cure of radiation and chemo that's the hard part.  But, most seem to do it and I'll just be happy taking my chances, than you very much!!!

Speaking of David, I know there will be times that I will hear his voice and will draw strength from it.  (Quick aside - I have been drawing strength from all my family and friends so far - you all rock!)  But the good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, I will not be joining him just yet.  But I can sort of imagine the first words he'll have for me as I begin treatment soon.  it will go something like this:  "OK, Popster.  I love you dearly and would love to spend more time with you.  But, I'm now perpetually 22 years old.  I still have lots of stupid stuff I have to do.  Do I want my dad around watching?  I'm thinking not."

Talk at you all later!!!

1 comment:

  1. Geez, of COURSE David would not want pops watching him. Stay strong Joe. We are all rooting for you - nationwide. (insert smiley face). Love from Seattle - D
