Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Idle Thoughts from an Idle Mind

Well, Campers, just to share some idle thoughts as I ride the rails. . .

First, let me establish that just because I've arbitrarily been given 18 months that I'm buying it.  I have absolutely no intention of checking out then but intend on being a pain in Elaine's side until we're both in our dotage.

But, I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about the end of the line and you, my astute readers, would know that I was handing you a pound of horse hooey.  What's kind of funny is that in normal day to day living, we really never contemplate death much.  (Unless we're some kind of Woody Allen-esque wacko who thinks of nothing else.). But when you're told what your expected expiration date is, the game seems to change a bit.

We all know the litanies about how we could die tomorrow, being struck down in the prime of life by a runaway beer truck.  Yes, we think, that could happen but it's highly unlikely and we're going to haunt Mother Earth till we're ancient.

But once you've been given that estimate, it plays on your mind.  And I'm finding that I now feel invincible, knowing that I nominally have 18 months.  A few weeks ago, I had no idea how much longer my ticket was good for; now I sort of do (if I choose to believe what the doctors say).  It's totally irrational, I know, but I bizarrely feel safe.  I won't get hit by that mythical beer truck tomorrow, nor will I be collateral damage to a suicide bomber.  I have at least 18 months, by God!!!

It's a sort of surreal freedom, in the Bobby McGee sense of  "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."  But I look forward to my freedom and hope to enjoy the rest of the ride, however long it is.

As alway, peace and love to you, my loyal readers.


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