Thursday, November 12, 2015

Feeling Radiant after Radiation

Hey, Campers!!  Well, a few days off following two days worth of radiation to try to shrink the mass in my left lung to ease the shortness of breath.  If should take about a week to work, so we shall see,  And this is my off week from chemo. 

We have company, which is fun.  My sister Connie and family are down for a bit for PA.  All good!!!

As I ramble today, keep in mind that I am the eternal optimist.  In my world, the glass is neither half empty nor half full, but half way to the next drink.  So what I say next totally hypothetical.  But, I can understand why some people in my position yield to the temptation to discontinue treatment and give up the ghost.  There's a certain simplistic beauty to that approach. 

But, I really never considered that route.  Given the option of 6 more months without treatment or 18 with, the choice was easy for me.  And I have no intention of adhering to that 18 (now 17) month shelf life.  I'm planning on being around to see my grandchildren grow up.  Now, I also have to admit that I'm pretty lucky right now for a kid with cancer.  I'm not in any pain, just some discomfort.  I'm fatigued a lot, short of breath a lot, and have a mucous build-up in the back of my throat.  But I'm mostly able to function.

I'm realizing that I should type these updates in the middle of the night when I seem to be most lucid.  I have what I want to enter crystalized in my mind, but forget when I'm at the keyboard.  No doubt part of the chemo fog. . .  ;-)

Well, enough for now.  Back to the chemo grind next Tuesday and Wednesday, but for now I'm just enjoying life!!

Peace and love to all,


  1. What a brave and beautiful post!

  2. Joe, Your positive attitude is an inspiration! I'm glad you are getting a little break and hope you enjoy spending time with your family.

  3. As I chug up some of those long mountain climbs on my bike, or while hiking, I will never again complain about being short of breath. Jane and I hiked the Vermont Long Trail this summer and I thought, at times, that my lungs were going to burst. Now I feel like such a wimp compared to you Joe. Keep on inspiring.

    1. Thanks!! Those mountain trails give me something to shoot for!!

  4. Blessings upon your radiated head. Thank you do much for sharing like this. And may you continue to be well-ish.

  5. Blessings upon your radiated head. Thank you do much for sharing like this. And may you continue to be well-ish.
