Monday, April 28, 2014

Free At Last!!!!

OK, I've really been home since yesterday (Sunday) but have be pre-occupied with re-entry to home mode after two days in the Moffitt Hilton. . . 

But, while my hospitalization was not quite a weekend at a health spa, it did have a recuperative and regenerative effect.  It was where I had to be.  The final diagnoses were thrush, which is basically a yeast infection of the mouth, and, what got me incarcerated, was aspiration inflammation, or my lungs were full of gunk which had accumulated from several weeks of hampered swallowing ability and too much 'going down the wrong pipe'.

But, it's amazing what two days of being pumped with antibiotics and steroids will do.  So, my dreams of a college football career are probably dashed, but that's that, I suppose.  But my vital stats yesterday morning prior to release were the best they've been since the days when I was biking 100 miles a week.

It was really great to spend last night at home in my own bed, in my own house, with my dear sweet wife there with me.  Life truly is good!!  And for a guy with cancer, I really feel as good as I have in months.  I guess it's like the proverbial frog in the pot of slowly boiling water - you don't notice how your health is degenerating until it's happened.

And, this escapade also steeled my resolve to do all the right things needed to ensure a good outcome (such as doing all my exercises to retain my swallowing ability) and then some.  I'm also continuing to take care of my body and paying attention to my appearance, as ridiculous as that seems.  But one of my epiphanies this week was that having cancer is sort of like being in 'The Exorcist'.  It's a battle for who wants control of you body more - you or the disease.  And I know the disease won't respect it as much as I will.  So, I WIIL kick cancer in the fanny and will scorch the earth, taking no prisoners.

Back to the mundane, today's radiation treatment put me at the 60% mark - 21 of 35 complete.  So, once again, life is good!!!

Peace and love to all, and go forth remembering the way it was, savoring each and every second of the way it is, and always, always, always looking forward to the way it's gonna be 'cause every day is, in its own way, better than the day before.

Be back to you soon!!


  1. Glad you're home! Keep on kicking ass!

  2. You are an amazing and inspiring man! Love and peace to you.
