Saturday, April 19, 2014

Transition Week Awaits

OK, campers.  Week three of treatment wrapped up Friday with the 15th radiation treatment of 35 pending.  And, still, so far, so good.  I'm beastly tired most of the time and am starting to show more side effects.  My beard has pretty much stopped growing, my hair is thinning in the back, and my throat is pretty much raw and sore all the time.  But some good signs in that my throat passage seems to be opening up a little more each day.  I'm still on a mostly liquid with occasional mush (and milkshake!!!) diet and figure that will continue for at least another week before I actually try to chew something as my tongue is still way too outsized, swollen, and misshapen to depend in it to successfully transfer food from my teeth to the back of my mouth where it could be swallowed,  But, I am also diligently doing my swallowing exercises, so the swallow reflex is still working, albeit painfully. 

And I am still prone to anxiety.  I'm not wild about it but I'm taking the equivalent of two Xanax pills a day - two halves during the day and a full one at nighttime to help me sleep.  I find that it takes the edge off 'cause I can get easily agitated and head straight down the rabbit hole.  Even though my prognosis is good and my chances of recovery are over 90%, I'm still a little bit scared.  But, having a great support network really helps and I can't stress that enough if any of you ever find yourself in this position, heaven forbid.  I know I often talk about how my son David handled his bout the disease amazingly well.  And, I now know that was largely due to the fact that the house was always full of friends and love.
Having said that, the past few days have been good ones for me.  On Thursday, my daughter Adrienne and I spent her last day before she had to go back to Hawaii watching mindless sitcoms on TV.  Yesterday while Elaine was working, my friend Will cam over and we watched "The Fellowship of the Rings", extended version, and when Elaine came home, we watched more silly game shows and bad movies.  So, I'm connecting the dots and realizing that the time I'm spending with others, not focused on the disease, are the best thing for me.  Yes, I am that dense and really do learn that slowly!!!!!!!  ;-)

Anyway, if any of you out there locally have some time to spare and would like to give the hardcore support group a break, feel free to come on down and do a favor for a sick friend, and watch really bad TV. . .  ;-)  I'll supply the snacks and beverages.

As for the upcoming week, I'm taking the fact that it's Easter time and the season of rebirth as a good sign.  It will be the midpoint of treatment and the next wave of chemo.  I've been assured it will be much tougher than the first week was, but, hey, I'm much tougher now than I was then!

Peace and love to all!!


  1. Joe, if Elaine can make it down to my place, have her grab my copies of the complete Marx Bros, Borat, Anchorman, and others for some good laughs.

  2. Glad you're halfway through. Halfway through the forest is halfway out! :)
