Saturday, May 24, 2014

Given the Choice. . .

Once again, I want to thank everyone for their kind words, cards, and letters!!  And, yes, there have been those delightful articles of physical mail, delivered by a uniformed government employee.  There's still something special about opening those, no matter how old I am. . .

But, I have to admit that while I certainly appreciate the accolades, I am also humbled by them.  Yes, I think that I'm handling the situation with as much strength and grace as I can muster, but no more than any one of you all would if you had to.  And that's one thing we must all remember, to never sell ourselves short, but that that's a different story for a different day. . .    But as I first remember saying to people ten years ago, when my son David was going through his ordeal with this deadly disease, that we never know how much we can handle until we have to, at which point we are often astonished.  Neither then, nor now, do I recall getting a choice in the matter.  "Gee, Monty. . .  That car is really cool and that trip sounds way cool, but I'm going to go for the potentially fatal disease and its attendant pain and suffering behind door number three. . ." 

I will admit this freely - I am a major weenie and had I been given the choice, I would have definitely opted out. . .  But, since there was none, I will meekly submit and continue to cope to the best of my meager abilities.  And, believe me when I tell you this - I have no doubts that any one of you would step up to whatever vile situation you may find yourselves in.  But. . .  I'm going to be way, way happier if I never get the opportunity to prove that I was right about that.  In this case, ignorance IS bliss.

Peace and love to one and all!!!


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