Saturday, May 31, 2014

Week Two of Post-Treatment Draws to a Close

OK, Campers.  It is now Saturday, May 31, or the end of my second week without the treatment of fire and poison.  (Kudos to Susan Clark for that description. . .  ;-)  Progress is slow, but it is still progress, nonetheless.  As I still run to being zombie-tired on occasion, this missive will lapse into stream-of-consciousness, I'm sure.  For that, I apologize, and I'll do my meager best!

But there have been occasional bright spots.  This past Wednesday, for instance, I pretty much stayed awake the entire day, left the house for a quick errand with my friend Will, did all sorts of little things around the house, and watched two episodes of 'Brother Cadfael' with  Will.  That was the high point, and I've returned to feeling tired most of the day since then, though I can say that the pain is lessening by the day.  One more time, baby steps are what should be expected.

But I guess I have been having flashes of anxiety for some of the oddest reasons.  Since my throat still hurts, I have been limiting my 'food' intake to my 'formula' through my feeding tube.  I'm OK drinking and there are no problems swallowing, it;s just that it is still difficult to do.  But, I'm going to have to get interested in eating sometime soon.  But, I'm not sure when the best time would be, what I would want to eat, and whether or not I should cut back on how many boxes of the Boost I ingest.  Sort of a strange dilemma.  I'm getting better but don't quite know what to do next 'cause I'm off script.  There are no doctors telling me what to do every day.  And that's another part of the anxiety.  I want to talk with my medical oncologist or his nurse, but don't know what I want to ask.  (Remember other times when I said that my thoughts would not be rational?  Well, this is another of those times. . . .  ;-)  I do have my next appointment with him on June 10, and I'm sure I will have things figured out by then, quite possibly calling for advice somewhere along the line.  I guess the bottom line is, I'm also sort of surprised that it may take longer that I anticipated for rational thought to come back. . .  ;-)  We shall see, I suppose. . . .

Well, just wanted to let you all know I'm still out here.

Peace and love to all!!!!

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